Intervene modules

Intervene provides three types of plots to visualize intersections of genomic regions and list sets. These are pairwise heatmap of N genomic region sets, classic Venn diagrams of genomic regions and list sets of up to 6-way and UpSet plots.


By default the intersection genomic regions is computed using default parameters of BedTools. Intervene version > v0.6.0 now allows users to provide all the arguments available in BedTools’ commands by using –bedtools-options.

Venn diagram module

Once you have installed Intervene, you can type:


intervene venn [options]


Please scroll down to see a detailed summary of available options.


intervene venn --help


intervene venn -i path/to/BED/files/*.bed

This will save the results in the current working directory with a folder named Intervene_results. If you wish to save the results in a specific folder, you can type:

intervene venn -i path/to/BED/files/*.bed --output ~/results/path

Summary of options

Option Description
-h, –help To show the help message and exit
-i, –input Input genomic regions in (BED/GTF/GFF) format or lists of genes/SNPs IDs. For files in a directory use *.<extension>. e.g. *.bed
–type {genomic,list}. Type of input sets. Genomic regions or lists of genes/SNPs. Default is genomic
–names Comma-separated list of names as labels for input files. If it is not set file names will be used as labels. For example: –names=A,B,C,D,E,F
–filenames Use file names as labels instead. Default is False
–bedtools-options List any of the arguments available for bedtool’s intersect command. Type bedtools intersect –help to view all the options. For example: –bedtools-options f=0.8,r,etc
–colors Comma-separated list of matplotlib-valid colors for fill. E.g., –colors=r,b,k
–bordercolors Comma-separated list of matplotlib-valid colors for borders. E.g., –bordercolors=r,b,k
-o, –output Output folder path where results will be stored. Default is current working directory.
–save-overlaps Save overlapping regions/names for all the combinations as bed/txt files. Default is False
–overlap-thresh Minimum threshold to save the overlapping regions/names as bed/txt. Default is 1
–figtype {pdf,svg,ps,tiff,png} Figure type for the plot. e.g. –figtype svg. Default is pdf
–figsize Figure size as width and height.e.g. –figsize 12 12.
–fontsize Font size for the plot labels. Default is 14
–dpi Dots-per-inch (DPI) for the output. Default is: 300
–fill {number,percentage} Report number or percentage of overlaps (Only if –type=list). Default is number
–test This will run the program on test data.

UpSet plot module

Once you have installed Intervene, you can type:


intervene upset [options]


Please scroll down to see a detailed summary of available options.

Help: You can also see list of options by typing this on the terminal.

intervene upset --help


intervene upset -i path/to/BED/files/*.bed

This will save the results in the current working directory with a folder named Intervene_results. If you wish to save the results in a specific folder, you can type:

intervene upset -i path/to/BED/files/*.bed --output ~/results/path

Summary of options

Option Description
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-i, –input Input genomic regions in <BED/GTF/GFF/VCF> format or list files. For files in a directory use *.<ext>. e.g. *.bed
–type Type of input sets. Genomic regions or lists of genes sets {genomic,list}. Default is genomic
–names Comma-separated list of names as labels for input files. If it is not set file names will be used as labels. For example: –names=A,B,C,D,E,F
–filenames Use file names as labels instead. Default is True
–bedtools-options List any of the arguments available for bedtool’s intersect command. Type bedtools intersect –help to view all the options. For example: –bedtools-options f=0.8,r,etc
-o, –output Output folder path where plots will store. Default is current working directory.
–save-overlaps Save overlapping regions/names for all the combinations as bed/txt files. Default is False
–overlap-thresh Minimum threshold to save the overlapping regions/names as bed/txt. Default is 1
–order The order of intersections of sets {freq,degree}. e.g. –order degree. Default is freq
–ninter Number of top intersections to plot. Default is 30
–showzero Show empty overlap combinations. Default is False
–showsize Show intersection sizes above bars. Default is True
–mbcolor Color of the main bar plot. Default is gray23
–sbcolor Color of set size bar plot. Default is #56B4E9
–mblabel The y-axis label of the intersection size bars. Default is No of Intersections
–sxlabel The x-axis label of the set size bars. Default is Set size
–figtype Figure type for the plot. e.g. –figtype svg {pdf,svg,ps,tiff,png} Default is pdf
–figsize Figure size for the output plot (width,height).
–dpi Dots-per-inch (DPI) for the output. Default is 300
–scriptonly Set to generate Rscript only, if R/UpSetR package is not installed. Default is False
–showshiny Print the combinations of intersections to input to Shiny App. Default is False

Pairwise intersection module

Once you have installed Intervene, you can type:


intervene pairwise [options]


Please scroll down to see a detailed summary of available options.


intervene pairwise --help


intervene pairwise -i path/to/BED/files/*.bed --type genomic --compute jaccard --htype tribar

This will save the results in the current working directory with a folder named Intervene_results. If you wish to save the results in a specific folder, you can type:

intervene pairwise -i path/to/BED/files/*.bed --type genomic --compute jaccard --htype tribar --output ~/results/path

Summary of options

Option Description
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-i, –input Input genomic regions in (BED/GTF/GFF) format. For files in a directory use *.<extension>. e.g. *.bed
–type {genomic,list}. Type of input sets. Genomic regions or lists of genes/SNPs. Default is genomic
–compute Compute count/fraction of overlaps or statistical relationships. {count, frac, jaccard, fisher, reldist}
  –compute=count - calculates the number of overlaps.
  –compute=frac - calculates the fraction of overlap.
  –compute=jaccard - calculate the Jaccard statistic. Read more details here
  –compute=reldist - calculate the distribution of relative distances. Read more details here
  –compute=fisher - calculate Fisher`s statistic. Read more details here
  Note: For jaccard and reldist regions should be pre-shorted or set –sort``
–bedtools-options List any of the arguments available for bedtool’s subcommands: interset, jaccard, fisher. Type bedtools <subcommand> –help to view all the options. For example: –bedtools-options f=0.8,r,etc.
  Note: –compute options count and frac uses BedTools’ intersect command.
–corr Compute the correlation. By default set to False
–corrtype Select the type of correlation from pearson, kendall or spearman.
  –corrtype=pearson: computes the Pearson correlation. (Default)
  –corrtype=kendall: computes the Kendall correlation.
  –corrtype=spearman: computes the Spearman correlation.
  Note: This only works if –corr is set.
–htype {tribar,color,pie,circle,square,ellipse,number,shade}. Heatmap plot type. Default is tribar.
  Read the below note for tribar option.
–triangle Show lower/upper triangle of the matrix as heatmap. Default is lower
–diagonal Show the diagonal values in the heatmap. Default is False.
–names Comma-separated list of names as labels for input files. If it is not set file names will be used as labels. For example: –names=A,B,C,D,E,F
–filenames Use file names as labels instead. Default is False.
–sort Set this only if your files are not sorted. Default is False.
–genome Required argument if –compute=fisher. Needs to be a string assembly name such as mm10 or hg38
-o, –output Output folder path where results will be stored. Default is current working directory.
–barlabel x-axis label of boxplot if –htype=tribar. Default is Set size
–barcolor Boxplot color (hex vlaue or name, e.g. blue). Default is #53cfff.
–fontsize Label font size. Default is 8.
–title Heatmap main title. Default is Pairwise intersection
–space White space between barplt and heatmap, if –htype=tribar. Default is 1.3.
–figtype {pdf,svg,ps,tiff,png} Figure type for the plot. e.g. –figtype svg. Default is pdf
–figsize Figure size for the output plot (width,height). e.g. –figsize 8 8
–dpi Dots-per-inch (DPI) for the output. Default is: 300.
–scriptonly Set to generate Rscript only, if R/Corrplot package is not installed. Default is False
–test This will run the program on test data.


The option --htype=tribar will generate a horizontal bar plot with an adjacent heatmap rotated 45 degrees to show the lower triangle of the matrix comparing all sets of bars. If you want to view upper triangle, please --triangle upper. It’s only recomended to use tribar if compute is set to jaccard or fisher.